Pennsylvania State Outline with Name



keith ​harris

Legislative District



DEMOCRAT for state Representative

community first. commitment. legislation that works.

special election | september 17, 2024

Push 101

Paid For By Citizens For Keith Harris

Community First. Commitment. Legislation That Works.



keith sea harris

Push 101

Democrat for State Representative 195th Legislative District

Keith Harris is a dedicated family man and community leader with decades of ​experience in public service and community-based initiatives, which makes Mr. ​Harris an ideal candidate for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

Keith earned a certificate in Liberal Arts education through the Act Now ​program at Philadelphia Community College from 1980 to 1982. His extensive ​background aligns with responsibilities of the office, which includes ​introducing house resolutions, house bills, serving on state committees, and ​working alongside the governor to create laws and establish a fair state budget.

Keith’s commitment to ​community service is ​evident through


his long-standing ​involvement in various ​community initiatives.

He played a pivotal role in the ​Philadelphia anti-graffiti ​network under the leadership ​of the late Tim Spencer from ​1984 to 1990. Keith recruited ​youth from the neighborhood ​to start a graffiti removal ​program that earned national ​recognition. This initiative ​laid the groundwork for the ​successful Mural Arts Project.

My Community Work

Keith Harris’s comprehensive ​experience in community leadership, ​legislative processes, healthcare, ​youth development, and community ​empowerment

make him a strong candidate for the ​Pennsylvania House of Representatives. ​His proven ability to bring together ​diverse communities, advocate for ​essential services, and drive positive ​change, aligns with the responsibilities of ​this office.

Electing Keith Harris means choosing a ​representative committed to ​transparency, accountability, and ​creating lasting opportunities for all ​residents of the 195th legislative district.


Community Leadership and Advocacy

Keith’s commitment to community service is evident through his long-​standing involvement in various community initiatives. He played a ​pivotal role in the Philadelphia anti-graffiti network under the leadership ​of the late Tim Spencer from 1984 to 1990. Keith recruited youth from ​the neighborhood to start a graffiti removal program that earned ​national recognition. This initiative laid the groundwork for the ​successful Mural Arts Project.

Healthcare and Youth Development

Keith served on the board of Strawberry Mansion Health Center from ​1993 to 1999 as a liaison between the community and healthcare ​providers. His efforts ensured broader access to medical services and ​demonstrating his commitment to improving health care.

In 2008, Keith became an honorary board member of the Strawberry ​Mansion Learning Center supporting youth and education. Additionally ​his community involvement, behind-the-scenes work, fundraising, and ​engagement has helped the center thrive underscoring his dedication to ​the next generation.

Fair Housing and Anti-Violence Initiative

As the Ward leader for the 28th Ward, Keith has actively addressed fair housing, rental ​challenges, and working with local leadership to advocate for community-friendly ​development projects. His involvement in organizations like Helping Our Own Daily, ​further emphasizes his dedication to anti-violence and youth empowerment such as ​marches for peace, bike rides, walkthrough community, and worked with Philadelphia ​Ceasefire.

Legislative Experience

Keith’s role as the Sergeant at Arms for the Philadelphia City Council, where he ​witnessed firsthand the intricacies of legislative process. This experience equipped him ​with a deep understanding of how laws are in active motion and are passed preparing ​him to effectively introduce and amend bills to vote on crucial public policy matters.

Community Empowerment and Development

Keith’s role in the redevelopment of Cecil B. Moore Recreation Center from 2014 to ​2023 is an addition to his advocacy in the Strawberry Mansion faith-based coalition in ​2018 highlights his ability to drive community projects, and address critical needs such ​as food insecurities, anti-violence initiative, and cultural enrichment.


Mental Health Advocacy

Promoting the human rights of persons with mental disorders and to reduce stigma and ​discrimination and access to services.


Provide a pipeline to education not to prison. Provide academic (intellectual), political & ​civic purposes, socialization, & economic purposes through teaching, tutoring and ​educational resources.

Employment & Career Opportunities

Ensuring all that all people who seek employment get a fair opportunity. Also to make ​sure employees access the same opportunities, resources and treatment.

Public Safety

Commitment to public safety involves dedicating resources and efforts to protect ​individuals and communities from harm. It requires proactive measures such as, ​effective law enforcement, emergency preparedness, and community outreach.

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General Election: November 5, 2024

General Election: November 5, 2024

Special Election: September 17, 2024

Special Election: September 17, 2024

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Pennsylvania State Outline with Name



keith ​harris

Legislative District



DEMOCRAT for state Representative

community first. commitment. legislation that works.

special election | september 17, 2024

Push 101

Paid For By Citizens For Keith Harris

Our District

Pennsylvania’s 195th District includes ​parts of Strawberry Mansion, North ​Central Philadelphia, Brewerytown, ​Stanton, Spring Garden, Blumberg, ​Sharswood

Part of PHILADELPHIA County consisting ​of the CITY of Philadelphia (PART, Wards ​08 [PART, Divisions 24 and 31],15 [PART, ​Divisions 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 08, 09,11, 12, ​13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19],16 [Divisions ​ALL 1-16] 28 [PART, Divisions 02, 03, 07 ​and 08], 29 [Divisions ALL 1-18] and 32 [ ​Divisons All 1-31 ).

Pennsylvania State Outline with Name



keith ​harris

Legislative District



DEMOCRAT for state Representative

community first. commitment. legislation that works.

special election | september 17, 2024

Push 101

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Paid For By Citizens For Keith Harris

Total population: 62,205

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Special Election

keith ​harris

PUSH 101


Legislative District

for state Representative

community first. commitment. legislation that works.

SEPTEMBER 17, 2024

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Paid For By Citizens For Keith Harris

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